How can we collaborate more intelligently? – March 2018 Newsletter


How can we collaborate more intelligently? – March 2018 Newsletter

Collaboration has become a 21st century buzzword, but are we really recognising its strategic importance? Solutions to complex problems can be achieved more quickly and competently if knowledge, skills and resources can be pooled and shared across our teams (CIPD, 2017). Don’t forget… not only does team collaboration enhance day-to-day productivity, it also helps to develop strong working relationships, critical for wellbeing.

Lets build effective collaboration

Before you read any further, take a second to reflect … are your people managers encouraging strengths-based collaboration? If ‘collaborative working’ simply means firing tasks and questions across the office or squeezing in brief (and often uninspiring) team meetings every now-and-again, the likely answer is no.

Due to intense pressures and continual deadlines, our stressed and overloaded managers may feel unable to connect with their team regularly and delegate tasks more thoughtfully. This means that jobs become more difficult and less enjoyable, performance slows, and motivation falls.

Help make collaboration simple for teams and managers

25% feel their strengths and weaknesses are overlooked by their managers and 40% of these people feel disengaged at work. How can we expect to achieve and succeed with such disconnected and unhappy teams?

Our strengths-focused Performance Motivation programme can help your people managers recognise the diverse range of strengths across their team. They will learn how to collaborate more intelligently by aligning tasks with strengths, skills and experiences as much as possible, to boost motivation and wellbeing and empower teams to achieve the best results.

We’ve developed a series of six 45-minute workshops, teaching people how to apply their strengths in different workplace scenarios. They can be delivered online for up to 500 people, face-to-face for smaller groups or in Train-The-Trainer format. That’s not all… our Performance Motivation Conversation Mat is a self-facilitating tool designed to open group discussions and tackle difficult topics as a team, with immediate impact on results.

Reignite that sense of ‘team’ now

Want more? Check out our article, drop Eleanor an email at or call us on 01273 830830.

Don’t hesitate any longer… start building collaborative teams.

Happy collaborating!

P.s. We’re looking forward to speaking at a British University’s Finance Directors Group Conference on 17th April, sharing some of our innovative tools and strategies that support people’s wellbeing and resilience in the workplace…come and take a look.

Contact us

We empower people to be their best.


Aspect House

84-87 Queens Road
