CIPD Sussex Branch Conference, ‘The Future of Work is Beyond Employee Engagement’, Alex Bailey

Photo of CIPD Sussex Branch Conference, ‘The Future of Work is Beyond Employee Engagement’, Alex Bailey

About CIPD

Alex Bailey, of Bailey & French, talks at the CIPD Sussex Branch Conference, Thursday the 14th September -‘The Future of Work is Beyond Employee Engagement’.

Alex introduces the HR Innovation Curve, “designed to show exactly where we need to be focusing our attention if we want to be our best, most innovative selves and build the best organisatons we can. It also tells the story of this evolution of needs. In the session, Alex focuses on three points 1) How Wellbeing is more than Employee Engagement, 2) Explores a positive model of Wellbeing that supports that distinction and 3) How we can innovate People functions in the future to really help people flourish at work and beyond.


For more information on our wellbeing programmes, including our wellbeing conversation mat, workshops and notebooks, email us at or call +44 1273 830 830. To purchase the wellbeing conversation mats and notebooks directly via our online shop click here.

Photo of CIPD Sussex Branch Conference, ‘The Future of Work is Beyond Employee Engagement’, Alex Bailey

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We empower people to be their best.


Aspect House

84-87 Queens Road
