Let’s Talk Wellbeing


Let’s Talk Wellbeing

Wellbeing is talked about in organisations a lot, but there is often little on offer beyond physical health programmes and support for those with mental illness. Based on the latest research into wellbeing, this conversation mat helps us explore the five pillars of the ‘PERMA’ wellbeing model, building teams that are more aware of their own and others’ wellbeing, and what can affect it.

These self-facilitating, team discussion tools are designed to focus our attention on building wellbeing at work.  Between 3-12 people use the tool to explore what helps us thrive and flourish at work, giving an immediate pulse check and diagnosis of the five pillars to support further action.

These are the ideal tools for small and large-scale team days, providing a simple and fun platform for engaging with individuals and teams. Easy to self-facilitate, each mat can be used by groups of up to 12 and multiple mats can be used in order to cover larger teams, groups or whole organisations. Each mat provides frame-worked discussion topics, encouraging each person to contribute, tackling difficult subjects in a non-judgemental way and empowering people to take action.

To purchase a wellbeing conversation mat simply click here. For more information on our wellbeing conversation mat or any of our other tools please contact info@baileyandfrench.com or call +44 1273 830 830.


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