Bailey & French, June 2017 newsletter


Bailey & French, June 2017 newsletter

In this time of intense focus on data and technology, at Bailey & French we have separated the two and redefined how to think about data collection. For example, engagement surveys tell us averages (data) but often miss the detail, the commentary which enables effective decisions and strategies. Qualitative data is so critical yet so often skimmed over because of the complexity of analysing it.

We are really excited here at Bailey & French, as we have officially launched a new suite of wellbeing products which enable ‘diagnosis’ conversations at a team level to open dialogue around the core pillars of wellbeing whilst collecting influential data in a swift, scalable and self-facilitating way.

Feedback so far has been fantastic, as we are the sole organisation looking so comprehensively at wellbeing, taking it beyond the remit of mental health, gym memberships and nutrition programmes – read about how our approach differs from the norm here. Most importantly, this approach is preventative, leading to less grievances and relevant issues, enabling HR teams to get on with their strategic work.
The online shop for our simple and practical tools is now open on our refreshed website – check it out at

We are really excited to be speaking about this at the upcoming CIPD London Wellbeing Conference on June 19th. This conference will be all about practical guidance on how to simply and swiftly embed a holistic health and wellbeing approach that fits your organisation’s strategy. Click here for more info about the event, agenda and speakers, and we look forward to seeing you there!

Leading up to this event, we will be publishing weekly articles on what research shows to be the pillars of positivity and wellbeing at work, in line with Dr. Martin Seligman’s work. Check out our LinkedIn page or website to keep up to date on the latest thinking.

Best wishes,


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