wellbeing programme

wellbeing programme

At Bailey & French, we believe that it’s time to look more strategically at building wellbeing in our people – focusing on the core elements that boost or hinder wellbeing in the workplace, and really helping people to thrive at work. It’s time to make wellbeing at work more meaningful – for organisations, teams and individuals.

Our wellbeing programmes are built around three simple ‘ways to wellbeing’:

Talk about it – using our pioneering wellbeing conversation mat tool to guide team discussions.

Make it everyday – using our pioneering notebook tool to extend and embed learning.

Give people skills – through a series of fun and interactive workshops.*

These workshops are packed with interactive activities, reflection questions and practical tasks, designed to keep wellbeing front of mind. They help individuals reflect on how they can take action to maintain and improve their wellbeing on a daily basis. 

  1. Positive Emotions: Explores the differences between ‘happiness’ and ‘wellbeing’ and the benefits of cultivating positive emotions in line with Barbara Fredrickson’s ‘broaden and build’ theory.
  2. Engagement: Discovers some of our core ‘strengths’ – things we excel at and are energised by. We explore Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi’s concept of ‘flow’ which has a positive effect on our wellbeing, and most often occurs when we use our strengths.
  3. Positive Relationships: Explores the importance and benefits of relationships at work. This workshop explores three methods to build ‘high quality connections’ and overcoming ‘corrosive connections’.
  4. Meaning: The deepest and most thought-provoking of the series, this workshop explores what makes life worthwhile. In line with the work of Viktor Frankl, we look at ways to experience and create purpose in our lives.
  5. Achievement: Encouraging achievement by looking at the benefits of an optimistic mindset, and how this can be developed to increase our sense of achievement. Practice using Rick Snyder’s theory of ‘waypower’ to find tangible and easy routes to reaching our goals.
  6. Resilience: Draws our learning together to relate it specifically to overcoming stress. We look at how we can minimise negative emotions and behaviours in difficult situations and develop more effective reaction styles.

* Workshops can be run:

  • in-person as lunch N’ learns or half days,
  • in 45 minute online workshops for geographically-diverse teams of up to 500 people.
  • in train-the-trainer format for internal roll-out.

Say yes, to making your team or organisation thrive, and get in touch with us today. Contact us


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